On the first day of AH #25, at the Sphere of Intercession held at Calvary Wide Fellowship Church, we began with an opening prayer, asking for God's presence within our congregation. This was followed by a delightful praise and worship session led by the Calvary Worship Team and the Asaph Worship Team from Kimironko Parish.
Pastor Ruhagararabahunga Eric the moderator addressed the congregation, sharing how Apostle Gitwaza received a revelation from God to establish a 24/7 altar of prayer, worship, and evangelism. He then introduced pastors from ZTTC in Goma, America, Burundi, Uganda, Ivory Coast, Zambia, and South Africa, referring to them as "watchmen on the wall."

Next, Senior Pastor at CWFM, Apostle Sebagabo Christophe, offered the official opening prayer for the intercession sphere and welcomed the speakers. He honored Apostle Gitwaza for his dedication during Rwanda’s most challenging times and elaborated certain achievements Afrika Haguruka resulted to like liberating minds from colonial legacies, a channel to awaken the African leaders and empowering youth to build and be part of Africa's development. It highlighted the teachings for God’s kingdom doctrine that are not religious but true faith in the living God. He also added “there are 1.8 billion Muslims who believe in God but not in Jesus as the Son of God. Additionally, over 18 million Jews deny the death and resurrection of Jesus. He also mentioned that, in past years, many Africans worshiped idols such as Ryangombe, practiced witchcraft, and performed various rituals. For these reasons, as Africans, we need to dismantle these old spiritual practices and establish new, Godly altars.”
Title: Rise and build the altar to the Lord and Destroy the satanic altar. Isaiah 19:19-20
Subject 1: Why is intercession key in building the altar to the Lord and destroying the satanic altar?
Speaker: Apostle Linda Gobodo

Apostle Linda emphasized the importance of prayer by stating, "We are at a mountain of prayer. Let us pray." and began with a powerful prayer for the congregation. She extends greetings from South Africa, Azania, which means "God has heard, God is listening" in Hebrew. This is her second visit in AH, indicating her previous success and they represent an altar named "Healing Africa from Cape to Cairo." We are going to learn the altar of the lord, how to build an altar and how to destroy a satanic altar
Intercession involves praying for others and standing in the gap for them. You don’t need to be chosen as a watchman; you can decide to pray for your family, community, or nation, taking responsibility for their spiritual well-being. Intercession begins at home. When you pray for your family, God provides guidance on how to pray effectively.
For example, Abraham interceded for Sodom and Gomorrah, pleading with God to spare the city. His intercession saved his nephew Lot.
Scriptures: Romans 8:34, 1 john 2:1, Hebrews 7:25
What is an altar?
An altar is a place where we commune with God through prayer, worship, and sacrifice 1 Peter 2. Noah built an altar after the flood, restoring the covenant of humanity with God Genesis 1:8.
An altar is spiritual, not physical Psalm 24, Psalm 62. We should approach God with pure hearts and clean hands.
To build an altar at home, you have to establish one for yourself and one for your family. By Beginning to thank God, repenting, and destroying any existing satanic or evil altars. Then, establish an altar in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and also by connecting it to the altar in heaven.
If you haven't already built an altar to God in your home,This is a time to do it.
For example, Abraham interceded for Sodom and Gomorrah, pleading with God to spare the city. His intercession saved his nephew Lot.
Scriptures: Romans 8:34, 1 john 2:1, Hebrews 7:25
What is an altar?
An altar is a place where we commune with God through prayer, worship, and sacrifice 1 Peter 2. Noah built an altar after the flood, restoring the covenant of humanity with God Genesis 1:8.
An altar is spiritual, not physical Psalm 24, Psalm 62. We should approach God with pure hearts and clean hands.
To build an altar at home, you have to establish one for yourself and one for your family. By Beginning to thank God, repenting, and destroying any existing satanic or evil altars. Then, establish an altar in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and also by connecting it to the altar in heaven.
If you haven't already built an altar to God in your home,This is a time to do it.
Subject 2: What role can intercessors play in promoting healthy relationships among African nations?
Speaker: Apostle Wyatt Fabe & Team
I was deeply blessed by Apostle Linda’s message. If you grasped what she said, you'll understand that many people are struggling in their workplaces. We must demolish the devil's altar and raise an altar for the Lord then God will expose those who oppose you because He has called you to your workplace. After a powerful prayer, Apostle Wyatt introduced Pastor Jay.
Jesus' nature is interceding, and every Christian should be an intercessor. Intercession means to meet and dialogue with God, becoming an intermediary between God and man. We must reconcile the world with God, as every person is called to be an intercessor (John 6). We must move from merely being sons to living with purpose (James 4). Ask according to His word, not our desires. To move the heart of God, you must understand His word. In John 17, Jesus prayed two prayers: one for the apostles and one for us. Before we can unite, we must first understand God's word to avoid misusing it.
God gives us money not for comfort but as a tool to build His kingdom, so our hearts must be pure when we ask of the Lord. God desires to see Africa united and taking dominion, moving from sonship to purpose to bring revival to the world. This can only be achieved if we are one with God. The Holy Spirit will teach us everything Proverbs 9:10-12. God wants us to be one
with Him so that we may be like Him Colossians 1. When Jesus enters a place, evil flees. If you don't understand that the Father listens to the Son, you pray in hope, not in faith Ephesians 3:8. We must make God's wisdom known everywhere, proclaiming that the kingdom of God is nearby. When Jesus taught about prayer, it was before the Holy Spirit came. Now we know how to pray because the Holy Spirit has been given to us. Align yourself with God's will, and He will answer you. You must become one with Jesus Christ, as He and the Father are one, and this unity is established through love.
The reason why Rwanda is advancing and developing quickly is because Jesus is at the center. We are praying for our nation to prosper without praying for righteousness. Before Africa can take dominion, it must pray for safety through salvation, grow into sonship, and understand its purpose. Africa must be saved.
Pray effective prayers for Africa so this continent may prosper and take dominion.
Speaker: Apostle Wyatt Fabe & Team
I was deeply blessed by Apostle Linda’s message. If you grasped what she said, you'll understand that many people are struggling in their workplaces. We must demolish the devil's altar and raise an altar for the Lord then God will expose those who oppose you because He has called you to your workplace. After a powerful prayer, Apostle Wyatt introduced Pastor Jay.
Jesus' nature is interceding, and every Christian should be an intercessor. Intercession means to meet and dialogue with God, becoming an intermediary between God and man. We must reconcile the world with God, as every person is called to be an intercessor (John 6). We must move from merely being sons to living with purpose (James 4). Ask according to His word, not our desires. To move the heart of God, you must understand His word. In John 17, Jesus prayed two prayers: one for the apostles and one for us. Before we can unite, we must first understand God's word to avoid misusing it.
God gives us money not for comfort but as a tool to build His kingdom, so our hearts must be pure when we ask of the Lord. God desires to see Africa united and taking dominion, moving from sonship to purpose to bring revival to the world. This can only be achieved if we are one with God. The Holy Spirit will teach us everything Proverbs 9:10-12. God wants us to be one
with Him so that we may be like Him Colossians 1. When Jesus enters a place, evil flees. If you don't understand that the Father listens to the Son, you pray in hope, not in faith Ephesians 3:8. We must make God's wisdom known everywhere, proclaiming that the kingdom of God is nearby. When Jesus taught about prayer, it was before the Holy Spirit came. Now we know how to pray because the Holy Spirit has been given to us. Align yourself with God's will, and He will answer you. You must become one with Jesus Christ, as He and the Father are one, and this unity is established through love.
The reason why Rwanda is advancing and developing quickly is because Jesus is at the center. We are praying for our nation to prosper without praying for righteousness. Before Africa can take dominion, it must pray for safety through salvation, grow into sonship, and understand its purpose. Africa must be saved.
Pray effective prayers for Africa so this continent may prosper and take dominion.

What is intercession?
Subject 3: What role can intercessors play in promoting healthy relationships among African nations?
Speaker: Apostle Atsalie Yasmir
Before going further, I would love to thank God and honor of Apostle Paul, my friend in the ministry. By now, you understand what intercession is, so let’s delve into the dimensions of intercession. There are many ways and forms of intercession. Interceding can look like a request. Let’s talk about intercession in the field of politics. When we look at Nehemiah 2:9, we see that if we want to rebuild Africa, we must love and care for Africa.
What do we say when interceding?
Before going to God, you need to have a precise subject and know what you want. In the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham interceded for Lot and his family, but he also interceded for the entire community of Sodom and Gomorrah. We must know what to say before God. Interceding is also negotiating with God. When nations have conflicts, they go through foreign ministers to try to resolve the problems. Similarly, God may make certain decisions, but through intercession, you have the power to influence God’s decision.
Juridical intercession is exemplified by Moses, the first juridical person of God, as God made known His commandments to him. Moses knew the heart of God Exodus 30-32. When humans worship idols, it becomes an insult to God, causing a rift between God and man. Moses pleaded for the Israelites to the point where God wanted to destroy them, but Moses negotiated with God, asking Him to spare the people and take his life instead. In juridical intercession, we become advocates, pleading for our families, nations, and countries in prayers before God Ezekiel 33:27. An intercessor is someone who can recognize danger and pray for the people.
When we talk about watchmen, we remember the roots of the watchman. Social dimension intercession comes into play when there is a problem in a family. According to 1 Timothy 2:5, Jesus is our mediator between the people and God. The spiritual dimension of intercession is found in prophecy. Most of what we discuss is in the character of a prophet. A prophet's work is not determined by the fulfillment of prophecy but by their role as someone who negotiates with God, prays, and sometimes changes God’s decisions. Spiritual dimension intercession involves having a relationship with God, which brings up promises. The church's role is to pray and intercede for a good relationship between people and God.
When God calls someone to be a prophet to the nations, it is to be an intermediary between God and His nation. The unity of Africa will come from the church. We must pray for a good relationship between Rwanda and other African countries.
Apostle Atsalie Yasmir concluded with a powerful prayer, praying for the unity and prosperity of Africa and for Rwanda to have good relations with other African nations.
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Speaker: Apostle Atsalie Yasmir
Before going further, I would love to thank God and honor of Apostle Paul, my friend in the ministry. By now, you understand what intercession is, so let’s delve into the dimensions of intercession. There are many ways and forms of intercession. Interceding can look like a request. Let’s talk about intercession in the field of politics. When we look at Nehemiah 2:9, we see that if we want to rebuild Africa, we must love and care for Africa.
What do we say when interceding?
Before going to God, you need to have a precise subject and know what you want. In the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham interceded for Lot and his family, but he also interceded for the entire community of Sodom and Gomorrah. We must know what to say before God. Interceding is also negotiating with God. When nations have conflicts, they go through foreign ministers to try to resolve the problems. Similarly, God may make certain decisions, but through intercession, you have the power to influence God’s decision.
Juridical intercession is exemplified by Moses, the first juridical person of God, as God made known His commandments to him. Moses knew the heart of God Exodus 30-32. When humans worship idols, it becomes an insult to God, causing a rift between God and man. Moses pleaded for the Israelites to the point where God wanted to destroy them, but Moses negotiated with God, asking Him to spare the people and take his life instead. In juridical intercession, we become advocates, pleading for our families, nations, and countries in prayers before God Ezekiel 33:27. An intercessor is someone who can recognize danger and pray for the people.
When we talk about watchmen, we remember the roots of the watchman. Social dimension intercession comes into play when there is a problem in a family. According to 1 Timothy 2:5, Jesus is our mediator between the people and God. The spiritual dimension of intercession is found in prophecy. Most of what we discuss is in the character of a prophet. A prophet's work is not determined by the fulfillment of prophecy but by their role as someone who negotiates with God, prays, and sometimes changes God’s decisions. Spiritual dimension intercession involves having a relationship with God, which brings up promises. The church's role is to pray and intercede for a good relationship between people and God.
When God calls someone to be a prophet to the nations, it is to be an intermediary between God and His nation. The unity of Africa will come from the church. We must pray for a good relationship between Rwanda and other African countries.
Apostle Atsalie Yasmir concluded with a powerful prayer, praying for the unity and prosperity of Africa and for Rwanda to have good relations with other African nations.
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Aimable Rukundo
Alfred Bizoza
Antoine Rutayisire
Apostle Dr Paul Gitwaza
Art and Entertainment
Atsalie Yasmir
Attoinne Rutayisire
Ben Musuhuke
Charles Muligande
Christine Baingana
David Bansi
Dumi Lopang
Felin Gakwaya
Francis Michel MBADINGA
Gahungu Bunini
Henry Mugisha
Isaac Leslie
Joseph Mattera
Kennedy Mazimpaka
Laurent Mukwiza
Linda Gobodo
Marie Clementine
Michael Adeyemi Adefarasin
Peter Kamasa
Phillip Igbinijesu
Samuel Hayes
Silver Jubilee
Titus Masika
Tonya Hall
Victor Mokgotlhoa
Vincent Anigbogu
Wyatt Fabe
obii Pax -Harry